Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a relatively new technology to store pressurized carbon dioxide underground. One of 的 challenges is to keep pipelines and injection tubes safe and prevent corrosion. im体育APP supports corrosion testing of metallic components and examines polymeric materials to reduce 运输 costs and avoid failure.
随着人们对二氧化碳(CO2)对环境的日益关注, reducing carbon emissions into 的 atmosphere is now a major focus for most industrialized countries. Reducing carbon emissions has led to CCS and CCUS (carbon capture, utilization and storage) projects. The projects have predominately been in 的 USA and Canada for Enhanced 石油 Recovery (EOR), 但欧洲的需求在不断增长, 亚洲和中东.
许多处于规划阶段的全球项目是作为试点运作的, 研究, 以及在大多数产生二氧化碳的国家的开发工厂. 大多数CCS/CCUS项目旨在捕获二氧化碳并将其储存在地表以下, 主要在近海地区.
用于CCS/CCUS基础设施的金属, 的 corrosion or cracking of 的 carbon steel 运输ation pipelines and carbon steel or corrosion resistant alloy (CRA) injection tubing is 的 primary concern of potentially corrosive environment.
The risk of corrosion/cracking needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis since it’s severity will depend on 的 material and 的 specific levels of H2O, O2和CO的酸性气体杂质, H2S, 袜, 致密相CO2中的NOx.
In order to mitigate carbon steel corrosion in CCS 运输 pipelines, 的 use of 腐蚀抑制剂 可以考虑. 然而, 它们的效力将取决于具体条件, 因此需要资格测试.
Corrosion 测试 for CCS infrastructure may be required to evaluate 的 resistance of 的 materials to:
- 公司诱导 应力腐蚀开裂(SCC) 碳钢(运输管道)
- 硫化氢引起的 硫化物应力开裂(SSC) 碳钢(运输管道)
- H2S诱导CRA(注油管/套管)应力腐蚀开裂
- 全面腐蚀 碳钢(运输管道)
- 点状腐蚀 耐腐蚀合金(注油管/套管)
主要关注的是聚合物材料在密封、衬里等方面的应用. CCUS的基础设施包括:
- 的 二氧化碳的物理效应 在这些材料上,比如膨胀和弱化
- 快速气体减压(RGD) 水泡、开裂、劈裂等损伤
- 抗化学腐蚀 to 气体 impurities - 的 influence of contaminants on 的 long term integrity of 的 materials
- 的 高压 and low temperature operating conditions for CCUS can be a limiting factor to 的 use of some polymers
- 产品损失或环境问题造成的 CO2渗透 通过聚合物密封件和衬垫
Our centers of excellence for 的 能源 sector are located in 的 US and 欧洲. The locations are fully equipped to perform corrosion testing and electrochemical testing on metallic components and polymeric materials used for CCS/CCUS infrastructure.
For more information about our corrosion testing services for CCS/CCUS projects, 或者要求报价, im体育APP 今天.
This white paper demonstrates that H2S is a more hostile 气体 than CO2 towards housed elastomeric seals subjected to repeated pressure cycling in RGD tests.
Mixed flowing 气体 (MFG) testing is an accelerated aging test that specifically evaluates 的 corrosion of electrical components due to exposure to atmospheric 气体ses and contaminants.
im体育官方app下载Fracture Mechanics in Sour Service: Some Characterization Tests on SENT and SENB Specimen
This article provides better understanding of how 的 SENT test technique influences fracture toughness of pipelines in sour service environments.
This webinar shows examples of corrosion damage and guides you through how to avoid corrosion in your stainless steel products to prevent product failure and costly repairs.
Read how our emissions team are using industry-leading instrumentation such as SIFT-MS to accurately measure 的 chemical composition of post-combustion flue 气体es at carbon capture plants.
Find out about im体育APPs extensive corrosion testing expertise in 的 能源 industry across a global network of laboratories.
结构测试 & 机械工程
im体育APP offers a range of advanced and application oriented engineering services to help solve a wide variety of mechanical engineering and structural engineering analysis problems.
Find out about im体育APPs range of coatings testing services designed to help to make certain that materials, 我们为客户测试的产品和管道不受腐蚀, 紫外线, 渗水, 热, 磨损和化学品.
Find out more about im体育APP's comprehensive ranges of materials testing services available in 的 TIC sector, 覆盖物材料选择, application and performance testing as well as failure analysis testing services.
im体育APP supports 的 energy industry in managing 的 challenges of polymeric materials like in service in supercritical CO2 (scCO2) environments.
We offer extensive services for 的 qualification and compatibility of polymer materials exposed to production fluids at 高压 and high temperature (HPHT).
渗透 & 扩散试验
具有独特的聚合物渗透能力, 热塑性塑料, 弹性体和复合材料, we can simulate 的 高压 and extreme temperatures found in deep wells, 或者汽车应用的条件, 公用事业im体育平台app下载或化工加工设备.
im体育APP offers rapid 气体 decompression testing to help manufacturers and users of elastomers better understand 的 behavior of this material in true sour RGD conditions.